Jacobo Mendoza Ruiz

Jacobo Mendoza Ruiz hails from Teotitlán del Valle, located 20 miles south of Oaxaca City. Teotitlán del Valle is known as a weaving village, its strong Zapotec heritage contributing to its reputation as a rich cultural hub.

Jacobo is an award-winning master weaver. His tapestries have been featured in Santa Fe, New Mexico, San Jose, California, Los Angeles, California, San Francisco, California, and San Antonio, Texas. Today it is Jacobo, his wife Maria Luisa Vasquez de Mendoza, and their two children who keep the tradition alive as the fourth generation of weavers in Jacobo’s family.

Jacobo insists on solely using natural dyes for his work. He begins by dousing skeins of fine wool (hand-spun by Maria Luisa) in calcium, sea salt, and lime juice – a step that he describes as the secret to rich, natural colors. This allows the wool to soak in the beautiful hues by discouraging color loss.

The colors you’ll find in Jacobo’s tapestries and rugs come from different plants, roots, and fruit. Shades of blue are crafted from indigo, while yellows hail from pomegranate skin and marigold. The rich reds in his work have a particularly interesting story: they are the product of the cactus-dwelling cochinilla insect. The female form of the insect releases a vibrantly red natural acid when threatened by predators. Jacobo and his family collect the bugs from local cactus plants and use this natural acid to dye the wool.

A visit to Jacobo’s studio is a fantastic way to spend an afternoon. His finished pieces are awe-inspiring, and they help to tell the story of Oaxaca’s artistic heritage.

Teotitlán del Valle
Av. Juarez N 91 C.P.
Oaxaca Mexico 70420